
Security Token Offering (STO) Development Company 

Experience seamless Security Token Offering (STO) Development with our specialized services. We focus on delivering a secure, compliant, and streamlined approach to tokenization, ensuring your assets are transformed for the digital market. Our expert team crafts tailored STO solutions to enhance your capital-raising journey, making it accessible for both investors and entrepreneurs. Step into the future of investments with our strategic STO development, designed for success in the blockchain era.

Why Choose Tanθ as Your STO Development Company?

At Tan θ, we specialize in STO Development, offering a blend of security, compliance, and modern technology. Our expertise in blockchain ensures your assets are efficiently tokenized, meeting the highest standards. We understand the importance of a smooth investor experience, so our platform is designed for ease of use without compromising sophistication. With a focus on regulatory adherence and strategic innovation, Tan θ is the ideal choice for those seeking to revolutionize their capital-raising efforts. Trust us to guide you through the intricacies of STO development with clarity and precision.

Our STO Development Services

Token Creation & Design
We create digital tokens that accurately represent asset ownership, ensuring they are attractive to investors and legally compliant.
Smart Contract Development
Our smart contracts automate and secure transactions, providing trust and efficiency in your STO's operations.
Investor Management Solutions
We offer robust tools for managing investor relations, streamlining communication, and overseeing investments with ease.
Regulatory Compliance Advisory
Stay ahead of legal challenges with our comprehensive regulatory advisory, ensuring your STO adheres to all laws.
We craft compelling marketing strategies to build a vibrant community around your STO, increasing engagement and support.
Post-Launch Support
Benefit from our ongoing support services, keeping your STO up-to-date and functioning flawlessly after launch.

Standout Features of the Security Token We Build


Legally Compliant Structure

Our security tokens are meticulously designed to comply with international financial regulations, ensuring a secure and trustworthy investment environment for global participants.


Asset-Backed Security

Tokens represent real-world assets, offering a stable and tangible investment that mirrors the value and performance of the underlying asset, enhancing investor confidence.


Transparent Ownership Records

Utilizing blockchain's immutable ledger, we provide clear and unalterable ownership records, ensuring transparency and ease of asset transferability.


Fractional Ownership

We enable fractional ownership of high-value assets, making it affordable for investors to diversify their portfolios and access previously out-of-reach investments.


Automated Dividend Distribution

Our tokens are programmed for automatic dividend distribution, ensuring timely and proportional profit sharing directly to the token holders' digital wallets.


High Liquidity Options

Designed for high liquidity, our tokens can be quickly bought or sold on various exchanges, providing flexibility and ease of access to funds.


Robust Security Protocols

We prioritize security, implementing advanced protocols to safeguard against unauthorized access and protect investors' assets from potential cyber threats.


Programmable Equity

Our tokens can be programmed with embedded rights and governance features, allowing them to function as digital shares with equity-like characteristics.


Rapid Settlement Times

Transactions with our tokens are settled almost instantaneously, significantly reducing wait times and enhancing the overall efficiency of the investment process.


Reduced Transaction Costs

By eliminating intermediaries, our blockchain-based tokens significantly reduce transaction costs, passing on the savings to investors and issuers alike.


Regulatory Reporting Ease

Our platform simplifies regulatory reporting with automated features, making compliance straightforward and less resource-intensive for issuers.


Enhanced Due Diligence

The transparency of our tokens aids in the due diligence process, allowing for easier verification of assets and streamlining investor accreditation.

Types of STOs We Develop

Equity Token Offering

Equity tokens represent share ownership in a company, offering voting rights and dividends, mirroring traditional stock but with blockchain's added efficiency and security.

Debt Token Offering

Debt tokens act like digital bonds, providing investors with periodic interest payments and the return of principal, leveraging blockchain for transparency and lower costs.

Real Estate Tokenization

Real estate tokenization divides property into digital shares, making real estate investment more accessible, liquid, and flexible through fractional ownership opportunities.

Fund Token Offering

Fund tokens allow investment in diversified asset pools, providing exposure to multiple ventures with the added benefits of blockchain's security and transparency.

Asset-backed Token Offering

Asset-backed tokens offer investments tied to real-world assets, combining the tangibility of physical assets with the liquidity and ease of digital trading.

Revenue Sharing STOs

Revenue sharing tokens distribute a portion of profits to token holders, aligning interests and providing a direct link to the issuing company's performance.

Royalty STOs

Royalty tokens grant holders a share of earnings from intellectual property, such as patents or copyrights, providing a source of passive income.

Stablecoin-Backed STO

Stablecoin-backed tokens are pegged to stable assets, offering a less volatile investment option within the blockchain space, suitable for risk-averse investors.

Utility STOs

Utility tokens provide access to services or platforms, driving value through utility and adoption within the issuing company's ecosystem or service.

Green Energy STO

Green energy tokens support sustainable projects, offering investors a chance to contribute to environmental initiatives while potentially earning returns.

Intellectual Property STO

Intellectual property tokens represent a stake in creative or innovative assets, providing a new avenue for funding and investing in ideas.

Sports Team STO

Sports team tokens allow fans to invest in their favorite teams, offering a sense of ownership and a connection to the team's financial success.

Artwork STO

Artworwork tokens democratize investment, enabling fractional ownership of valuable pieces and expanding the art market to a broader audience.

Impact Investment STO

Impact investment tokens focus on projects with social or environmental benefits, offering returns while supporting initiatives that make a positive difference.

Supply Chain STO

Supply chain tokens enhance transparency and efficiency in logistics, tracking goods and materials, and potentially reducing costs and errors.

Healthcare STO

Healthcare tokens fund medical innovations, connecting investors with opportunities in the rapidly evolving healthcare sector and its technological advancements.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) STO

DeFi tokens offer access to decentralized financial services, promoting inclusivity and efficiency in financial transactions without traditional intermediaries.

Sports and Entertainment STO

These tokens merge sports and entertainment, capitalizing on fan engagement and loyalty to finance-related ventures and experiences.

Commodities STO

Commodities tokens allow the trading of physical goods like metals or agricultural products on the blockchain, offering diversification and ease of access.

Art and Collectibles STO

Tokens tied to art and collectibles open up investment in rare and valuable items, providing liquidity and fractional ownership in the collectibles market.

Our Approach For STO Development


Innovative Fusion

Combining cutting-edge blockchain technology with traditional investment principles to create a revolutionary platform for secure and efficient Security Token Offerings.


Empowering Fractional Ownership

Enabling investors to own portions of high-value assets, making investment opportunities more accessible and affordable through tokenization.


Uncompromised Transparency

Utilizing blockchain's inherent transparency to provide clear, accessible records of transactions and ownership, fostering trust and confidence among investors.


Enhanced Security

Implementing robust cybersecurity measures and encryption protocols to protect investor data and funds, ensuring a safe and secure investment environment.


Through Due Diligence

Conducting comprehensive background checks and verifications to uphold the integrity of our platform and the investments it hosts.


User Education

Providing educational resources and support to empower users with the knowledge they need to make informed investment decisions on our platform.


Tailor Investment Experience

Customizing the investment process to meet individual investor needs, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience on our STO platform.


Pioneering Future

Leading the way in STO development with a forward-thinking approach, constantly innovating to stay ahead in the evolving digital asset landscape.

Our STO Development Process

  • > Conceptualization
  • > Design & Token Creation
  • > Technical Development
  • > Legal Compliance
  • > Marketing Strategy
  • > Launch & Management



We begin by understanding your vision, analyzing market trends, and defining the scope to ensure the STO aligns with your strategic business objectives.

Client Testimonial

client reviews
Straight Quotes

Tanθ delivered outstanding NFT development services that fulfilled our expectations. All components of our project was managed with care and precision thanks to their industrious focus to detail and proactive communication.

Straight Quotes

Jesko Hoffmann

Founder, African NFT

We are Partnered With

Top Blockchain Platforms for Security Token Development


The pioneer of smart contracts, Ethereum offers a robust decentralized platform for creating versatile security tokens with its well-established ERC standards.


Designed for scalability, Flow supports consumer-friendly dApps and NFTs, making it an ideal choice for security tokens with high transaction volumes.


Polkadot enables cross-blockchain transfers of any type of data or asset, providing interoperability and scalability for complex security token ecosystems.


Polygon's Layer 2 scaling solutions offer lower gas fees and faster transactions, enhancing the performance of Ethereum-based security token deployments.


With a research-driven approach, Cardano offers a secure and sustainable platform for security tokens, emphasizing compliance and user protection.


Known for its high throughput and low latency, Avalanche is a top choice for creating customizable and instantly tradable security tokens.


Solana boasts high-speed transaction processing and low costs, making it suitable for security token offerings that require quick settlements.


Tezos features on-chain governance and formal verification for smart contracts, ensuring a secure and upgradable environment for security tokens.

Business Benefits of STO Development


Increased Access to Capital

STOs open new funding avenues, attracting a global pool of investors and reducing reliance on traditional financial institutions for raising business capital.


Fractional Ownership and Liquidity

Tokenization allows for fractional ownership of assets, making it easier to buy and sell shares, thus increasing market liquidity and investment opportunities.


Enhanced Transparency and Security

Blockchain's immutable ledger provides transparent transaction records, while advanced encryption ensures security against fraud, enhancing trust among investors.


Regulatory Compliance and Investor Protection

STOs are designed to comply with regulations, offering a framework that protects investors and aligns with legal standards, ensuring market integrity.


Automation and Efficiency

Smart contracts automate processes like dividends and voting rights, reducing administrative burdens and costs, while increasing operational efficiency.


Secondary Market Trading

Security tokens can be traded on secondary markets, providing investors with exit options and the ability to trade assets more freely.

Data Insights of Our Capabilities


Total Experience

0+ Years


Investment Raised for Startups

0+ Million USD


Projects Completed



Tech Experts on Board



Global Presence

0+ Countries


Client Retention



What is a Security Token Offering (STO)?


How does an STO differ from an ICO?


What are the benefits of launching an STO?


Can anyone invest in an STO?


What assets can be tokenized in an STO?


How do you ensure regulatory compliance in an STO?


What blockchain platforms do you use for STO development?


What is the process of developing an STO with Tanθ?


How long does it take to develop and launch an STO?


What post-launch services do you offer for STOs?


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