
Zed Run Like NFT Game 

Tanθ software studio is an skilled NFT game developer and this Zed run game is game where players can purchase and race NFT horses which is develped on blockchain based horse racing game.Each and every NFT horse in Zed run has some special difference like breed and age which gives a realization to the players that which horse can perform best in races.

Our company creates and developes this game on Ethereum blockchain network and we allows players to purchase NFT horses from Zed run marketplace where horses are sold fo9r ETH and the price of it can differ with its powers and performancesWhen you purchase a horse then you can race it against other players and the winner of a race earns ETH.We provide many services to the players like strong community of players.If you are inetrested in developing a horse game like Zed run then we motivate you to contact us.

Why Us For Zed run like NFT game?

Our company provides multiple services and features to meet the needs of clients and players both.This Zed run game is new in NFT but it is most popular NFT game presently and with the help of our innovative ideas and experienced team we can develop the game with your customization and requirements.We use the latest security technology in order to make a game which is safer and clear for the players.

We provide you the best possible quality of the game which can satisfy you.We have develop a passionate team for providing 24/7 services and helps you in solving the doubts and issues regarding the gameplay of this game.We understand that NFT horse racing game can be very complex and risky to develop and that is why we help you in creating this game in easy and in a effective way and always looking for improving the game and add latest feature in the game because we are upto-date with tyhe latest technologies and we invite you to contact us.

Zed run like NFT game Development Services

Zed Run is a blockchain-based NFT horse racing game which allows players to trade,breed and race digital horses.This game is similar to past horse racing games but the horses are seen by non-fungible tokens.This NFTs are unique digital tokens that are irreplacable and provide players ownership of their horses.This provides multiple services for the players which are stated below.

NFT Marketplace development
This service helps you in creating a marketplace where players can buy and sell trade digital horses.This marketplace should be safe and easy to use and it should support all major NFT wallets.
NFT Horse breeding
NFT horse breeding allows players to breed their digital horses to create new and unique horses.The breeding process should be realistic and interactive to produce horses with several abilities.
NFT Horse racing
NFT horse racing allows players to race their digital horses against each other.This races should be fun and competitive so they should reward the winners with cryptocurrency or other prizes.
NFT Horse customization
NFT horse customization allows players to customize their virtual horses with several colors and abilities.This customization options should allow players to create horses that shows thier unique and different style.
NFT game Analytics
NFT game analytics helps you in tracking the performance of your NFT game and this analytic should provide you with the information and about players interaction and revenue.
NFT Game Marketing
NFT game marketing helps you in promoting your NFT games to needed players.This marketing campaign should be planned with clearity and it should help you in attracting new players in order to grow your community.

Exciting Features of our Zed run like NFT game

As this game has its unique gameplay and feature of racing horses to earn money also aand that is why there are suffecient feature and some of them are listed below.


NFT horses

The horses in this game are a NFT tokens meaning that it is different and irreplacable.This gives players a realization of owning of their heroes and players can also breed their horses and then can sell and traded on a NFT marketplace.


Horse racing

Players can race their horses with other players in a public and private races.This is a fun and competitive way to earn ETH and winner of this race earns ETH and the amount of ETH earned can diifer on the size of the prize pool.



Players can breed their horses to create new NFT horses with high performance.The rarity of the new horse is seen by the speciality of the two parent horses.It can be fun to see what new combinations you can create.



Zed Run has a strong community of players that means that there is always players to race against and chat with.Players can also share tips and strategies with each other in order to learn from each others experiences.

Types Of Zed run like NFT game Our Company Offers


Zed run horse breeding

This is the process of breeding two Zed Run horses to produce a special horse.The breed of the two horses will have some of the powers of its parents.

Zed run horse racing

This is like competing in a race with one or more Zed Run horses and the winner of the race is the horse that finishes first and is rewarded.

Zed run horse ownership

This is like owning one or more Zed Run horses where owners can race their horses.And then breed their horses or sell their horses.

Zed run horse trading

This is like buying and selling Zed Run horses.This horses can be traded on the Zed Run marketplace or on other NFT marketplaces.

Zed run horse collecting

This is like collecting Zed Run horses. Collectors may collect horses for their speciality like rare And their appearance or racing performance.

Zed run horse betting

This is like betting on the result of Zed Run races.Bets can be placed on single horses or on groups of horses.

Zed run horse fantasy racing

This is like gambling where players create a team of Zed Run horses and then score points based on their performance in real races.

Zed run horse community

This is the community of players who play Zed Run like players and users of the game.The community is active on social media and in Discord channels.

Zed run horse content creation

This is like creating content about Zed Run and this content can consists of videos and social media posts.

Zed run horse education

This is like learning about Zed Run where Players can learn about the different breeds of horses.And the different types of races and wide range of strategies for winning races.

Zed run horse investment

This is like investing in Zed Run horses where the value of horses can go up with time.So that investors can make money by buying and selling horses at the right time.

Zed run horse speculation

This is like speculating on the value of Zed Run horses where speculator buy horses that they think will be valuable in the future and then sell them for a profit.

Zed run horse gaming

This is like playing Zed Run for fun or for profit where players can enjoy the games racing, breeding and social features or they can use the game to make money by trading horses or betting on their horse to win the races.

Zed run horse NFT collecting

This is like collecting Zed Run horses for their rarity or performance value.These horses can be important and they can also be used to breed new horses.

Zed run horse NFT community building

This is like building a community around Zed Run NFTs and this can be done through social media and Discord channels.

Zed run horse NFT gaming

This is like playing games with Zed Run NFTs.And these games can be simple or complex and they can be played for fun or for the purpose of money earning.

Zed run horse NFT gambling.

This is like gambling with Zed Run NFTs. This can be done by betting on the result of races and by betting on the performance of particular horses.Also by playing other games with Zed Run NFTs.

Zed run horse NFT fantasy racing

It is a type of gambling where players create a team of Zed Run NFT horses and then score points based on their performance in real races.

Zed run horse NFT education

This is like learning about Zed Run NFTs game where players can learn about the different breeds of horses.They can also get knowledge about the different types of races and several strategies for winning races.

Zed run horse NFT investment

This is like investing in Zed Run NFTs where the value of NFTs can go up within time so that investors can make money by buying and selling NFTs.

Steps Of Our Zed run like NFT game Development


Concept development

This is the place where you have to develop the idea for your game containing of the gameplay mechanics or the NFTs that will be used and the overall theme.


Blockchain platform selection

You have to decide on the blockchain platform that you need and would be perfect for your game. Some popular options contains Ethereum and Solana.But you may go for as per your requirement.


Game design

This is where you start to take out the details of your game like the user interface,the game levels and the rewards system.


Smart contract development

Smart contracts are used to track the ownership and help in transfering your NFTs.They are necessary for ensuring the security and clearity of your game.


Develop the platform

This consists of the front-end user interface and back-end code.This UI will be what users see and attract with while the back-end code will control the processing of all transactions and data storage.


Test and deploy the platform

Whenever your platform is developed you have to test it to ensure that it is working properly or there are bugs or not.When the tests are complete then platform is ready to deployed.

Our Approach In Zed run like NFT game

Tanθ Zed run like NFT game is an innovative platform which gives players to own and control their particular types of NFT horses which they can trade and bet the items in races to earn money.The horses are unique or rare and have several skills which depends on their performances during races.This Zed run like NFT game is based on the horses and racing which runs on the blockchain platform.Our company have a very unique and quality approach towards this NFT like horse game that is Zed run game where we provide lots of features including players are allowed to trade and breed their horses to make them powerful and help them in wining the races and to earn money.

Also players will be able to create several contents about the game like videos and social media posts which help them to promote the game and build strong community.We have very passionate team of players support where players can get the answers of their doubts and issues with 24/7.We believe that our game will provide players with a unique and attractive experience for the players.Overall our game is combination of fun and knowledge of strategies and breeding.We make our game very inetractive which creates a strong community around the game

Explore Trending Features for Integration

  • > NFT horses
  • > Racing
  • > Breeding
  • > Marketplace
  • > Social features
  • > Content creation
  • > Fantasy racing
  • > Gambling


NFT horses

This game uses NFT horses as the main gameplay character which are unique and have different abilities.And this affect their performance in races and players will be able to trade and breed their NFT horses to create new or even more powerful horses.

Client Testimonial

client reviews
Straight Quotes

Tanθ delivered outstanding NFT development services that fulfilled our expectations. All components of our project was managed with care and precision thanks to their industrious focus to detail and proactive communication.

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Jesko Hoffmann

Founder, African NFT

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Top Blockchains For The Zed run like NFT game

Zed run is a Ethereum blockchain-based NFT horse racing game and it is secure and clear due to blockchain.And some of the blockchains for Zed run game are as follow.


Ethereum is the most popular blockchain for NFTs and it is also the most well-established.It has a large and active community and it is easy to find developers and resources for building NFT games on Ethereum.


Flow blockchain,known for its high throughput offer a robust environment for creatig NFT games like Zed Run.Its focus on developer-friendly tools and scalability make it a prime choice for complex gaming ecosystem.


Polkadot's parachain architecture allowd for interoperability and sclability,crucial for NFT games with evolving ecosystem.Developers can levergae the substrate framework to create customized high-performance blockchain solutions.


Polygon's Layer 2 scaling solutions offer low-cost transactions and fast confirmations,ideal for NFT game economies.Developers benefir from a seamless integration process and access to a vibrant ecosystem of tools ad resocurces.


Cardano's focus on sustainability and scalability provides a stable base for long-term NFT game growth.Developers can utilize plutus smart contract capabilities for secure,efficient in-game transactions.


Avalanche is a flexible and secure blockchain that is perfect for NFT games.It has a low carbon consumption and it is easy to build NFT games on this blockchain.


Solana's lighting-fast transactions and low fees create a smooth user experience for NFT gaming enthusiasts.Developers can harness Rust Programmimg language and high-speed block confirmation for responsive gameplay.


Tezos's on chain governance and formal verification provide a secure foundation for NFT game assets and contracts.Developers benefit from smart contract flexibility and low gas fees for cost-effective in-game transactions.

Business Benefits of Zed run like NFT game

It is new game in NFT but still has become one of the most popular NFT game across the globe and that is why it has many number of business benefita and so some of them are mention below.


Increased revenue

This NFT games can generate revenue through a variety of channels like when players buy an NFT the game developer receives a part of the sale price.Game developers can sell ad to companies that want to reach their audience.


Brand awareness

NFT games can help in increasing brand awareness for a company by reaching a new players of gamer and crypto.When players buy and trade NFTs they are indirectly advertising the game to their friends.


Player engagement

NFT games can be highly engaging, as players are motivated to collect and trade NFTs and improve their in-game performance. This can lead to increased player retention and engagement, which can benefit the games publisher or developer..


Data collection

NFT games can generate valuable data about player behavior which can be used to improve the game and target marketing campaigns.For example game developers can track which NFTs are most famous and how long they play the game.


Community building

NFT games can create strong communities of players who are passionate about the game.These communities can provide a sense of belonging for players and they can also be a source of information and support.


New business opportunities

This NFT games can open up new business opportunities like Game developers can sell NFTs that allow players access to latest content or features and also developers can provide gaming services like tournaments and betting.

Data Insights of Our Capabilities


Total Experience

0+ Years


Investment Raised for Startups

0+ Million USD


Projects Completed



Tech Experts on Board



Global Presence

0+ Countries


Client Retention


Frequently asked questions

How can i started with a Zed run like NFT game?


How do Zed run like NFT game works?


What are the potential risk of playing Zed run like NFT game?


What is the cost of developing Zed run like NFT game?


What are the future trends of Zed run like NFT game?


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